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Design For Opportunity

Ten square meters encompassing a work area, a coaching area, a space for workshops, a restful place where dreams can soar – Feng Shui organizes the space with an injection of joy.

Hodaya felt she was losing inspiration in the work space she had at home. Her work involved the development of executive workshops, women’s workshops, and being a personal and business coach. Without vision and inspiration, she found it very difficult to promote and develop business objectives while at the same time holding on to the joy of creativity.

She contacted me with a request – to create a suitable space for her.
A space where she can walk through the door and enter a different world. A space where her imagination, and her writing, can take flight while maintaining focus on accomplishment and livelihood. And it also had to be a space that would welcome visitors, from trainees to workshop participants, so it needed to feel open and spacious, with plenty of room to breathe.

And finally… it must not exceed 10 square meters, by law of the regional council.

So, how does one create from 10 square meters a training area, a work area, a space for conducting workshops and someplace to rest and dream, and still keep it open and spacious? Oh, and I nearly forgot, while also giving her the feeling of being out in nature, surrounded by greenery.

Feng Shui defined the process of planning and design. Once I understood the maps and the organizational potential both of the space and of Hodaya, I began to plan… the library, of all things. But it was more than book shelves.
The shelves gave us a perfect solution. They served as the boundary of the coaching area, as well as providing storage space in the work area without blocking visual openness and breathing space. And by putting the unit on wheels, we had the option of opening the table to seat another 10 people.
I defined the training area with smooth wall panels that also covered the back of the shelf unit, integrating it into the space. The corner had a unique feel of its own, suitable to its purpose.
On the other side of the shelf unit, the cabinet, acting as back wall for the work space and desk, was given a color that supported Hodaya in her creative work.
A ninety-degree turn of the shelf unit opens the space. The desk extends, adding up to a meter to its length, and now we have a conference room, a space for brainstorming or for conducting workshops.
And here is the rest corner. We inserted a sofa into a niche. Here, Hodaya can lie down, look out at the greenery of the garden, and set free her intuitions and thoughts.
This is now a space that offers opportunity for both personal and business growth, for Hodaya and for her trainees and clients, and as such it plays a major role in the success of her business.
And in Hodaya’s own words:
Dear Neta,
I thank you with all my heart for the quiet, the tranquility, the beauty, and my total personal connectedness with my space, which I feel each morning anew. Thank you for the amazing spatial intertwining that simultaneously answers my every need and allows me to realize my vision and express myself. Thank you for the honor of being able to offer trainees such pleasant surroundings in which to blossom and grow.
Dear Hodaya,
And I would like to thank you in return.
It was a pleasure working with you.
It was a productive process for us both in more ways than one.
Photography: Or Kaplan
Carpentry: David Turgeman


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